Tuesday, July 19, 2016

How to Enjoy the Summer (Like you REALLY need my advice for this!)

So I'm writing this as sadly my summer is coming to a close. I'm trying to squeeze out every last minute. I go through a weird ritual as a teacher in the summer. The first thing I do? Sleep...And lots of it. There may be a day that I literally change from one set of PJs to another. I love staying up late and sleeping in. That was a great schedule to have when I was a bartender back in college. However, it doesn't work well when your career requires you to be dressed and ready to be at school by 7:30. Throw a two-year-old and a teenager into the mix, and it's even more difficult. I swear if coffee hadn't been created, I don't know if I would make it out of the house.

Now when summer hits, the mornings of rushing around and scrambling out the door like a chicken with my head cut off ceases. So I just kind of veg out for a few days, and then, believe or not, sometimes I get in a funk. Now this funk doesn't last long. I finally get up and get busy and start doing all the tasks around the house that gets pushed to the wayside when school is in session. Cleaning out the refrigerator, weeding out mismatched socks and throwing them away, cleaning out the junk drawers, organizing closets, etc. I usually have a yard sale too. Makes me feel productive.

Then I decide it's time to "try" to get in shape, so I use the gym membership that I have paid for all year long. Sadly during the school year, my energy gets used up at school. So during the summer, I do yoga, I watch Hoda (tried to make a rhyme there). I even cook some and try some new recipes. (You will learn that this in itself is an accomplishment.) Then I enjoy going to summer movies with my friends and kids. We even set up a projector, put a bedsheet on the wall, get boxes of candy from the dollar store, and have our theatre night. We hit the beach, and we grill out and hang out in the driveway with my toddler's kiddie pool (a/k/a our own "Redneck Riviera"). I try to take in a few concerts because I love live music. Lastly we try to plan some kind of family trip for 3-4 days somewhere. (This year it was Trade Winds Resort in St. Pete, FL. I'll post about it later!) The last couple of days I actually start getting excited about meeting new students and parents, and getting my room set-up. (It's the only time of year when my desk is clean.)

When it comes down to it, I enjoy every second of my summer. We as teachers truly need this time to rejuvenate and feel like we can face all the challenges that teaching sometimes involves.

My husband (who is also a middle school teacher) says the one good thing about summer ending...football season begins. :) Go Dawgs!

What are some of your favorite summer rituals? Please share with me!

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